Seeking constant innovations in the satellite communications sector we established our teleport with satellite transmitting, receiving antennas and fibre connectivity. We have and give access to all major satellites such as Eutelsat 7B, Eutelsat 10B, Eutelsat 16A, Eutelsat 33E, Astra 4A, Astra 3B and many more. The teleport are directly connected to our fiber network and therefore integral part of our unique fiber and MCR infrastructure so we have possibility to receive and transmit high-quality video across the public internet using technology like Live U, SRT, ZIXI, RTMP, HLS, RIST.
We offer you:
- Uplink services
- Downlink services
- Turn-around services
- IP to satellite / satellite to IP
- Format conversion
- Downlink and streaming
- Downlink and recording
- Antenna and earth station equipment collocation
- Streaming service to CDN